Wednesday, July 14, 2010


A few weeks ago Tom and I were able to go on a day-long Excursion with the Mercy Ministries team. Mercy Ministries is an effort for Mercy Ships crew to be involved with the Community and help out with other organizations in Lome. We have made a connection with a school here called L'Envol-Bé. This is a school for mentally challenged kids. One day a week, Mercy Ships crew members go to their school and hang out with these wonderful kids.

The trip we went on was extra special. They were celebrating the end of the school year, and had a day-long field trip planned! We met the bus-full of kids right by the beach at a Slave Castle. This was my first time hearing about slave castles, but they are all over the coast of West Africa. These  houses existed as the last place slaves slept before they were put on a ship and sent to America.

This house blew my mind. It was very run-down, but we found out that they kept the slaves in the "basement." There was a hole in the floor and I crawled down inside the area where the kept the slaves. It was about 3 feet tall---you could not stand at all--you had to either lay on the ground, or squat down. Dark. Scary. Pretty much a terrible place. I can't even imagine what those people went through being stuck down there.

After the slave castle we went to Lake Togo and had a picnic! The kids were having a lot of fun, and enjoyed our company. Tom took a lot of great photos, so I'm going to post many of them here---check them out, and then check out Tom's Blog :)

One of the school kids (left) and a kid selling water.
Mercy Ships crew member with one of the kids.
This is in the Slave Castle...this hole in the floor leading down to where the slaves stayed.
Toooo cool.
Group shot in front of the bus!
Wow, don't I look happy! Johan (in red) is getting attacked by the kids!
Sticking the tongue out is a universal message, I suppose.
At the picnic.
Enjoying the Mercy Ships company :)
Swing time!!

1 comment:

  1. Such a heart-warming story! Thanks for sharing it. Photos are fantastic! You bring this saga to life for us. Mercy Ships is a gift. Thanks for all you guys are doing!!


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